Receiving a positive Answer regarding the Foreword of the Book

I have 74 days time to send the book off to the publisher. I received a good news two nights ago. A German Professor who also has executive experiences in field of German foreign cultural policy has accepted to write a forward for my book. I am still waiting for an answer from an Iranian figure to accept to write the second forward. I am writing the first section of chapter 4, which is on Iranian intercultural dialogue discourses and actors. I have just checked the content regarding to the Iranian discourses. I deleted some parts. Too many words ..blah blah.. 

 During reading the text I can not resist thinking about the interviews with the Iranian participates of the study, in hot summers of 2013 and 2015. Sweet and bitter memories. I feel that, meanwhile, I grew up. If I have had the experiences of today, I would have asked different questions in the interviews, I would been sharper, quicker, I would have spent less time for each appointment…. Hopefully next time, next project…

One of the surprising points of the interviews with the Iranian side was their poor knowledge on Germany, its foreign cultural policy and cultural actors… is that a surprise?


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